How To Organize Quick & Easy Persian Language Learning

Do you feel like you don't have the time to learn Persian? Are your good intentions met with days slipping by without any practice? Sometimes having an organized system is the best way to ensure that something can easily become part of a daily routine. Wouldn't it be great if at the end of the day you had several encounters with the language without setting aside a large chunk of time? Read on for some tips on getting organized with your Persian learning.

Step One: Make Your Materials Life-Proof
If you are reading this you have probably already invested in some great Persian learning materials. Now it's time to protect these materials. Have you ever noticed that teachers laminate almost everything? Teachers bring learning materials to snack time, class bathroom breaks and recess and they don't want to have to worry about a splash or a spill. Here are a few tips on keeping your materials in tip-top shape at home. Choose what works best for your lifestyle.
- Laminate paper products when possible (most office store offer this service or you can purchase an inexpensive home laminator)
- Use page protectors and place pages into a binder
- Use file folders
- Laminate if possible
- Store in baggies
- Store in a school supply box or small Sterilite container
- Wrap soft cover books in clear contact paper
- Use a gallon sized bag to transport books just in case of a spill
Step Two: Strategically Place
Okay, this one is important - REALLY important. Teachers need to take advantage of every teachable moment and it's necessary to have learning tools in the right place at the right time. Sometimes this means literally wearing them around one's neck, using labels as stickers to actually stick notes in visible places or placing a baskets in various parts of the classroom with duplicates of learning materials.
How does this transfer to home? Think about the places where you spend idle time - especially if you have young children. Do you children eat snack at the same place each day? Do you spend that time standing around, cleaning up or scrolling your phone? Rethink where you store your Persian learning materials and think about where it makes the most sense for you and your family. Ideas include:
- Posting materials in an eating area
- Laminating materials to use as placemats
- Keep flashcards in a basket on the kitchen counter to play games during snack timePost laminated materials or hang them in a baggie near the bathtub
- Keep Persian reading material near the...toilet
- Keep a small visual in the car - take advantage of school pick-up or drop-off
Step Three: Diversify Your Engagement with the Language
It's one thing to explicitly study the language but another thing to give your brain a break and simply enjoy playing a game to review material, peruse a book - even if you can't read it all or listen to the language. (even if you aren't fluent!) Try finding some Persian music, television, movies or podcasts that you can use to mix up your routine. It can be nearly effortless to turn on one of these in the background and take in the language while getting ready for the day, cooking or exercising.
Step Four: Use Every Minute!
We all have 24 hours in a day. It can seem to fly by and many are not in a position to carve out multiple hours a week of solid study time. Take advantage when you can, where you can - for however long that is. Don't underestimate what you can get down in a just a few minutes. Those little snippets of time add up and you'll be making progress that will reinforce your new habit.
Little Persian has a mission to provide high quality Persian materials to English speaking families. Little Persian is more than just learning materials. It is a movement to connect children and their families to Persian heritage and to one another.
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