If you are eager to begin reading and writing Persian characters, this is exactly where you should begin! This comprehensive set includes everything you need to learn the names of Persian letters, sounds, how to write each letter in various forms and numerals from 0-100.
You may have just started to learn Persian and aren't sure you want to read and write, but this may be exactly where you should start! Learning the Persian alphabet will make reading the almost entirely phonetic language a breeze and you'll have a huge advantage with proper pronunciation!
The Alphabet Learning Set includes a two-sided poster with the Persian alphabet displayed to coordinate with singing along to the alphabet song - such an easy way to memorize the names of the letters. Letter flashcards provide the name of the letter written in Romanization and in-depth pronunciation guides.
The Numbers Learning Set includes three posters: a chart with the number words 1-20, a 100 chart featuring numerals and a guide to show how to pronounce each number word up to 100. Colorful number flashcards making learning numbers 0-30 as well as the decade numbers up to 100.
Pocket guides are included to make practicing Persian alphabets and numbers easy anywhere you go.
Get started reading and writing Persian today!
Please note that the Persian dictionary and children's book are photo props and are not included with the learning materials.