✨Last day for NOWRUZ orders Thur. 3/13✨

Easy Ideas to Share Nowruz in Your Child's Classroom


Have you ever considered sharing about Nowruz at your child's school? Many schools and classrooms encourage sharing about special holidays and traditions that families celebrate.

If you don't feel comfortable making an appearance yourself you could offer these ideas and resources to your child's teacher, who will likely be happy to have an opportunity to share a lesson about cultural diversity. Send a quick email and then offer to send the items in ahead of time so your child's teacher has time to review the materials and prepare.

Here you'll find five easy ways to excite and engage kids as they learn about the ancient celebration of Nowruz.


Our Haft Sin 

1. Read a book about Nowruz

A simple picture book about Nowruz is a great introduction to any presentation. 

Our Haft-Sin is the perfect book to read if you plan to bring materials to set up a haft-sin for kids to see. We have also compiled a list of Nowruz Picture Books that can help you select the perfect title for your presentation. 



Hands-On Haft-Sin

2. Share a Hands-On Haft-Sin™️

A Hands-On Haft-Sin™️ allows children an opportunity to touch and feel the items on a haft-sin. Kids will relate to and remember the "seven S's" easily when they are able to handle the objects themselves. The Hands-On Haft-Sin™️ is reusable year after year and includes digital resources you can use to share with classmates as well. Send in your own set or purchase one for your child's teacher to use for years to come.



3. Provide a Nowruz craft

Provide an idea, materials and a sample of a Nowruz craft. If you will be presenting to very young children, consider doing some prep work to make the process go more smoothly such as cutting out pieces ahead of time. Find inspiration on Pinterest such as tissue paper hyacinths or goldfish.




4. Jump fires

Chaharshanbe Suri is an exciting celebration on the eve of the last Wednesday before Nowruz. Often families and friends gather to jump fires, wishing away the ills of the prior year and inviting in health. Construct paper fires or use the DIY fire jumping kids included in the Nowruz Activity Box.



5. Provide a Nowruz snack


Tut or Nokhodchi (pictured above from Kandu) are gluten-free options you can bake yourself or purchase from a Persian grocer or online retailer. Goldfish crackers are nut-free and can be used to remind children of the symbolism goldfish represent on a haft-sin. Apple slices are another allergy free option that would remind children of its place on the haft-sin.


6. Pack a picnic

Because Nowruz marks the beginning of spring, celebrating the warm weather is central to the festivities of Sizdah Bedar, the thirteenth day of spring. Bring this to life for the class by bringing picnic cloths or inexpensive tablecloths for them to sit on and enjoy snack together. 



nowruz coloring page printable

7. Give a coloring page 

After a presentation, it's nice to give children time to process the information and converse with one another about what they have learned. A haft-sin coloring page is a great conversation starter and provides closure for the lesson. Get yours in this FREE Nowruz Classroom Kit or find even more in our Nowruz Digital Download. Note: While kids are coloring is a great time to give out the snack.



8. Start a plate of sprouts for the classroom

Growing Nowruz sabzeh is something many families do to present as a focal point on the haft-sin table. Bring supplies to start a plate of sprouts for the classroom. Be sure to leave instructions for the teacher to follow so that growing is a success. You can even buy a complete Nowruz Sabzeh Seed Kit with enough seeds to grow a full plate of grass, day by day instructions and a red satin ribbon. 


9. Send a take-home letter to families

Send in a short letter that children can take home to their families explaining what was presented about Nowruz. This is a wonderful way to clue parents in to what their child learned and to allow them to ask questions and build conversation at home. A take-home letter is included in this FREE Nowruz Classroom Kit.



10. Send home goody bags


It's easy to make a Nowruz goody bag that children will be delighted to take home and recall what they learned in a fun way. 

Here are some ideas of what to put inside:

  • snack for later such as an individual package of goldfish crackers
  • stickers
  • gold coins
  • take-home letter folded into quarters
  • lentil or grass seeds to sprout at home



Hopefully these ideas have empowered you to share about Nowruz with your child's classmates. Don't be shy, your child's teacher will likely be grateful to understand more about Persian culture and have something new to share in class. Planning a presentation? Tag @littlepersianlearning on social media. We'd love to share your photos!


Be sure to get your FREE copy of the Little Persian Nowruz Classroom Kit digital download featuring a take-home letter and coloring sheets to facilitate a Nowruz presentation by a teacher or parent in classrooms of children of any age. A Ready-To-Go Nowruz Classroom Materials set is also available if you'd like to make things really easy!



Little Persian has a mission to provide high quality Persian learning materials.  Little Persian is more than just learning materials. It is a movement to connect children and their families to Persian heritage and to one another. 

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Check out Persian learning materials, digital downloadsgreeting cards and our entire Nowruz Collection at LittlePersian.com